電視劇 秦淮密令 Qinhuai Secret Order

電視劇 秦淮密令 Qinhuai Secret Order 郭晓冬胡军尹媗孙宁冯恩鹤

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1937年南京淪陷後,國民政府遷都重慶,抗日戰爭進入最艱難的階段。留洋多年的數學博士陳家餛飩,攜日本籍妻子惠子歷經週折回到中國國內,投身到風語抗日洪流中 ...

After the fall of Nanjing in 1937, the Nationalist Government moved its capital to Chongqing, and the Anti-Japanese War entered its most difficult stage. Chen Jiahu, a doctor of mathematics who has studied abroad for many years, and his Japanese wife Keiko returned to China after many twists and turns, and joined the anti-Japanese torrent of Fengyu...


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