電視劇 理想之城 Ideal City

電視劇  理想之城 Ideal City 2021

The story revolves around a female cost engineer named Su Xiao and her growth journey in the male-dominated construction industry. In her first job at a state-owned enterprise, Su Xiao is used as a scapegoat for a construction accident and gets fired later on. Then she starts from scratch in a smaller, less-known construction firm, and works her way up to the CEO of the group with hard work and dedication. However, this isn’t smooth sailing at all. She has to face office politics, fight against the glass ceiling for females and deal with male directives with seniority who just don’t like her. Luckily, she has Xia Ming, an experienced colleague to guide her through the hardships.

該劇改編自若花燃燃的職場小說《蘇筱的戰爭》,以建築行業為背景,緊扣職場進階和逆襲這一脈絡展開劇情,講述了造價師蘇筱(孫儷 飾)因合作方推諉事件而被迫離職後,機緣巧合下進入贏海集團子公司天成建築,在高壓又精細的造價工作中,即使面對公司內的暗流湧動和天科建築經濟師夏明(趙又廷 飾)的強勁挑戰,依舊秉持著“造價表的干淨就是工程的干淨”的職業信念,在一次次的激烈競標中脫穎而出、也在一次次的鬥智斗勇中經歷職場的歷練和洗禮,終於迎來事業的高光時刻和對人生理想的新感悟。


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