電視劇 大唐榮耀 Glory of Tang Dynasty

電視劇 大唐榮耀 The Glory of Tang Dynasty 2017 景甜、任嘉倫 English Subtitles

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The Glory of Tang Dynasty 大唐榮耀 is a 2017 Chinese television series starring Jing Tian and Ren Jialun. It is based on the novel The Concubine of Tang: Legend of Pearl (大唐后妃傳之珍珠傳奇) by Cang Mingshui; and tells the fictional love story of Emperor Daizong and Consort Shen, aided by the grandiose historical background of the An Shi Rebellion (755-763). The series was aired for 92 episodes, split into two seasons, from 29 January to 3 May 2017 on Anhui TV and Beijing TV.

The series has been made with a budget of around 260 million yuan ($38.68 million), and shot in 70 sets, with massive digital backup.It received positive response from the audience for its history accuracy and storyline. It has a score of 8.3 out of 10 on Douban.

The story of Shen Zhenzhu, the concubine of Emperor Daizong while he was the Prince Li Chu of Guangping. Zhenzhu was an ordinary girl from Jiangnan. Kind-hearted and noble, she stayed behind during the An Lushan Rebellion in order to show solidarity with the Tang citizens. Although she was captured by the opposing force, she never gave up protecting her people, and remained loyal to her husband despite the pursuit of Moyan Chou, a Uyghur general.

After peace was restored, Li Chu was determined to relocate her and bring her back to the palace, ignoring the advice of his fellow officials. However, Zhenzhu refused to return to the palace with him, as she knew her time as a hostage would jeopardize his chance of succeeding the throne. She chose to disappear from the Royal court life and live among the people she spent her whole life protecting. Wikipedia



《大唐榮耀》共分兩部,第1季以日播形式,於2017年1月29日在北京衛視、安徽衛視以日播方式首播[1] ;第2季以周播形式,於2017年4月3日於北京衛視及安徽衛視首播,而騰訊影視會員能在4月17日起優先收看全集。


唐肅宗時期,皇室內憂外患 。皇子李倓受皇后陷害死去,身為其皇兄李俶悲痛不已。朝堂之上,張皇后和史思明中傷李俶,導致李俶兵權被奪。為了振作李俶,獨孤靖瑤提出嫁入王府協助李俶。面對獨孤靖瑤的好意和對妻子珍珠的愛情,李俶陷入兩難。為了李俶和大唐王朝的未來,珍珠主動讓李俶休掉自己迎娶獨孤靖瑤,之後李俶被立為太子。張皇后與史思明的詭計隨著李俶的一步步登向皇位而越發狠毒,史思明撕破面具謀反。朝堂之內,張皇后另立太子的詭計也被忠臣李佖識破,太子之位得保。大勢已去的張皇后拼死掙扎,試圖綁架珍珠要挾太子李俶,李俶在皇帝面前揭穿張皇后的詭計,皇后終食惡果。幾經波折終於團圓的李俶和珍珠,卻面臨著生離死別之分。大唐江山終於穩固,經歷大起大落波折的李俶,雖登上皇位,卻只能自己看這萬里山河,延續大唐榮耀。



The Beauty of China 中國之美

Old Hong Kong 老香港

Switzerland 巴塞爾-琉森-蘇黎世

Northern Europe 威爾士-挪威-冰島

Flower and Bird 花,鳥

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